More Details About Our Business...
The services we offer are summerized below. We are ready to offer our help anytime!
Our customers can obtain every hardware and software for their store front office from us.
Our sales team will contact you to organize a meeting to inform you about what we offer (hardware, software, services etc.). Your needs and requirements will also be analyzed and the path to the correct and feasible solution will be established.
If needed, seperate meeting(s) will be organized to meet technical teams to discuss further details of the final solution.
After these, our sales team will prepare a proposal which details the project and time plan for delivery; for your consideration.
Upon the agreement of the proposal, the sales contract will be prepared with all the project details and time plan. By signing the contract, the project will be kicked-off.
Consultancy, Project Management
We offer our experience in store front office operations as a consultancy service to customers. Any company, regardless of being our customer, can obtain this service from us.
Training is a must for easing store operations. It must be well planned and targeted for correct audience for maximum effectiveness. The audience must pay full attention to the training.
Training sessions can be organized according to our customer's time plan. Sessions can be carried out at our office or at customer's preferred site. There will be a fully established store configuration at training site, to fulfill hand-on experiences of trainees.
Additional training requests can also be met.
Store System Installation
Equipment and software obtained by the customer, based on sales contract and project plan, will be installed by our personnel or by one of our authorized business partners. For fiscal systems, there will be additional legal procedures which needs to be followed by the customer. Our sales team will inform you about these issues.
During the installation, the installation team will work hard to deliver a flawless running system and make it ready for the opening day.
Store Opening
Store opening days are always important, tense and full of excitement and haste. To share our customer's excitement and ease the tense and haste, our support team will be there at the store until closure. Our personnel will answer the questions and help store personnel to fill any knowledge gaps while using the system.
Warranty Services
Upon the installation of your system, the warranty period will automatically commence. As it will be stated in your sales contract, hardwear warranties may range from 3 to 5 years, depending on the brand. Software warranty will be 1 year unless otherwise specified in your contract.
Hardware warranties are handled via manufacturer's service organizations. Fiscal systems are only serviced by manufacturer's authorized service network, based on legal requirements.
Software services will be provided by us directly; mostly via a remote connection.
In any case, problem identification will be made by our support team, therefore, your single point of contact will always be Persis. The rest of the operation will be managed by us.
+Plus Support Services (detailed below) will be free during the software warranty period.
+Plus SUPPORT Services
We do understand the store operation pace. Therefore, for a flawless and smooth store operation, we offer a remote support for every store, 365 days from 09:00 to 22:00 hours. there is a mobile support line which handles all the calls and take necessary actions to achieve the goal.
+PlusSUPPORT services mainly targets urgent matters which affects the sales operation of a store. Other non-priority issues will be noted to be handled at next business day.
This service is provided free to stores in the warranty period. Otherwise, it will be provided via a software support contract (detailed below).

Software Support Contract
Nearing the end of your software warranty period, our support team will contact you and offer a software support contract to extend your warranty services for a 1 year period. A proposal will be created based on your needs and will be sent to you, for your evaluation. Upon agreement, your warranty services will be extended.
Hardware support contracts will be handled by the hardware manufacturer. We will be happy to offer our help to get in touch with those organizations.